Where it was
When it was
Who was in your group
Who came to the Market
First, me and Noha went to go and help miss bound set up the hall then, we got some groups
to come and make their stuff.
Next, me and noha went and got pouches and we put it in the hall but then, After that
me and noha went to go and have a little play outside.
me and noha went to go and have a little play outside.
Then, the bell Ringed and we all went and ate our lunch then, when we were
finished eating me and Noah went to the hall and we exchange money for Wesley money.
finished eating me and Noah went to the hall and we exchange money for Wesley money.
After, we were sold out of Wesley money tokens and then miss bound said miss
said went and cut some more so it was taking to long so i went to the staff room and i got the
Wesley token money and as soon as i got back there was a big line waiting.
said went and cut some more so it was taking to long so i went to the staff room and i got the
Wesley token money and as soon as i got back there was a big line waiting.